Weather plays such an important role in landscape photography. The number of times I’ve gotten up praying for interesting weather when planning on taking photos is hard to count. I’m not sure of the best word to describe the weather on my 2021 trip to the Yukon – maybe “temperamental” is best. We went from days of complete sunshine with few clouds to speak of, to days of cloud, rain, and wind. One night I was woken up by the roof of my tent smacking me in the face under crazy wind!
I know that all sounds awful for camping, but it is actually pretty great for photography (at times). I’ve often felt that the best weather for photos comes while the weather pattern is changing. This image came as 2 days of heavy rain and clouds were breaking and making way for a couple sunny days. I watched those clouds and bits of rain stream through that valley over and over – a constantly changing scene and a productive day of photography!